ELA FRIDAY Agenda 5/6/22- LEAP Reminders and Questions

  • Due May 6, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 1
  • Questions 1
  • Available until May 22, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


I believe in you

Next week begins our "Big Show" (LEAP) testing week!

Make certain you know exactly where to show up and what time testing begins at your location.

You will be working VERY hard while taking the test, so I want you to rest when you return home each day.

Use today's ELA time to catch up on any missing work from this week.

Here are a few IMPORTANT reminders:

1. Make sure you get a good night's sleep.  You need to be rested to do your best.

2. Eat a good breakfast each morning before you come to the location.  You don't want a rumbling belly to distract you.

3. MAKE SURE you know where you are testing.  We need ALL our students to show up to take the test.  If you do not attend, our school will receive an F for your test and that will really hurt UVA.

4. DO YOUR BEST!  Do not rush on this test.  Use the strategies I have taught you to help you.  It is not a race.  There is NO TROPHY for finishing first.  You can't do anything until everyone finishes the session anyway.

5. Do not stress yourself into making silly mistakes.  Make your very best guess and move on.  Missing one question will not hurt you.  Flag that question and come back to it before you submit your exam.

6. Use the CER strategy to help you answer constructed response questions.  DO NOT PUT ONE WORD ANSWERS when asked to answer a question.  If you need to write an essay, use the IBC method.  Remember what we learned about narrative essays.  These are where you tell a story.  You cannot use CER for this type of writing.

7. Remember- this is your chance to show everyone how smart, creative and AWESOME I already know you are.  That is why we call it the BIG SHOW.

After completing any missing ELA work, answer the question below to have this agenda disappear from your to do list and calendar.

May 22 is the LAST DAY to turn in work for the 4th 9 weeks!

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